Creating A "Hope Kit" for Self-Injury
A Hope Kit is a powerful resource for individuals who self-injure, offering a tangible reminder of strength, hope, and reasons to persevere during difficult moments. This guide can be used by individuals creating their own Hope Kit or by practitioners, including Spiritual Care providers, who wish to introduce this concept to those they support.

From Soul Care for Self-Injury: Theological Reflection and Spiritual Care Strategies by Amy Panton
Creating a “Hope Kit” for Self-Injury
A Hope Kit is a powerful resource for individuals who self-injure, offering a tangible reminder of strength, hope, and reasons to persevere during difficult moments. This guide can be used by individuals creating their own Hope Kit or by practitioners, including Spiritual Care providers, who wish to introduce this concept to those they support.
Creating a Hope Kit
Materials needed:
• A sturdy box, basket, or container (choose one that feels special to the individual)
• Decorating materials (optional): paint, stickers, fabric, etc.
Steps to create a Hope Kit:
1. Choose a container. Select a box or container that's easy to access but can be closed for privacy.
2. Personalize the container (optional). Decorate the outside in a way that feels uplifting and personal.
3. Fill the Hope Kit with meaningful items such as:
o Photos of loved ones, pets, or happy memories
o Inspirational quotes, affirmations, or scripture passages
o Small objects that hold positive memories or significance
o A journal for writing thoughts or gratitude lists
o Artwork or drawings you have created or that inspire you
o Letters or cards from supportive friends or family
o A list of coping strategies that have worked in the past
o Brochures or images of places you would like to visit
o A playlist of uplifting songs (written list or a small music player like an old iPod)
o Sensory items like a soft fabric swatch, stress ball, or scented item
o Information on helplines or support services
o A small notebook to record moments of joy or accomplishment
o A list of personal strengths and positive qualities
4. Include a compassionate letter. Write a letter to read during difficult moments, reminding of worth and reasons for hope.
5. Regularly update the kit. Add new items that bring joy or hope, and remove anything that no longer resonates.
Using the Hope Kit:
Place the Hope Kit in an easily accessible location. When feeling overwhelmed or tempted to self-injure, take a moment to explore the items in the kit. Reflect on the memories, love, and possibilities they represent. Use this time to ground oneself and reconnect with reasons for hope.
For Practitioners and Spiritual Care Providers:
When introducing the Hope Kit concept:
1. Explain the purpose and potential benefits of a Hope Kit.
2. Collaborate with the individual to personalize their kit.
3. Encourage reflection on items that genuinely resonate with them.
4. Discuss strategies for incorporating the Hope Kit into their coping routine.
5. Follow up on the use and effectiveness of the Hope Kit in subsequent sessions.
Remember, a Hope Kit is a personal tool for one's journey. There's no right or wrong way to create it - include whatever brings comfort, inspiration, and hope to the individual.