Current Calls for Content
Call for creative non-fiction work
"I love my family member, but I hate my life"
Are you a Canadian woman who cares for a family member? Do you have a story to tell?
We know that caregiving is joyful hard work. It’s a paradox. One minute you’re laughing over a shared joke, the next you’re managing a crisis at three in the morning. Caring for someone you love is exhausting, rewarding, and sometimes unsustainable. Yet everyday Canadian caregivers provide hours of unpaid, unseen labour to ensure their loved one lives their best life, sometimes at the cost of their own flourishing.
The labour of family caregivers is estimated to save Canadian taxpayers XXX dollars, and the strain of overtaxed family carers was evident throughout COVID-19.
But we see you. We know about the job you had to quit and the coffee dates you’ve missed. And we understand the reason you care. Love. Commitment. Necessity.
Stories can change the world, and with your stories maybe we can begin to illuminate and fix a broken system. We want to hear it all. The good. The bad. Even the ugly.
The Mad and Crip Theology Press, a boutique Canadian publishing house committed to amplifying women’s voices and exploring the themes of disability, mental health, and spirituality, is seeking contributions for Joyful Hard Work: Everyday Stories of Caregivers a collection of creative non-fiction works exploring all angles of caregiving.
If interested, please submit original, unpublished non-fiction works of prose (3000 words maximum) to madandcriptheology@gmail.com by January 31, 2023. Poetry submissions are also welcome.
Successful submissions will receive an honorarium of $100 (CDN), a copy of the book and an invitation to the book launch!
Let’s Work Together
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